API Docs for: 1.0.1

File: src/client/store.js

* A lightweight datastore wrapper
* @module Client
* @class Store (Client)

// TODO: 
// - Add enhanced "class" support w/ getter/setter if avail: Object.defineProperty(fnc.prototype, ...)
// - Process custom X-Store-* response headers
// - Inject json schema validators

// module definition 
(function (root) { var amdExports; define('store', ["underscore"], function (_) { (function () {

* Options (Configuration)
* @method Options
* @private
* @type {Object}
* @default {Object} instance
var Options = function Options(){};

* Options.constructor 
* @method Options.constructor
* @private
* @type {Object}
* @default {Object} instance
Options.prototype = {

  * Remote storage location
  * @property options.url
  * @type {String}
  * @default "//localhost/store/examples/server.php"
  url: "//localhost/store/examples/server.php",

  * Storage namespace  
  * @property options.namespace
  * @type {String}
  * @default "default"
  namespace: "default",

  * JSONP callback fnc name
  * @property options.jsonp
  * @type {String}
  * @default "callback"
  jsonp: "callback",

  * Cache enabled
  * @property options.cache
  * @type {Boolean}
  * @default true
  cache: true,

  * Cache Lifetime
  * @property options.ttl
  * @type {Number}
  * @default 3600
  ttl: 3600

* Repository
* @method Repository
* @private
* @type {Object}
* @default {Object} instance
var Repository = function Repository(){};

* Repository constructor
* @method Repository.constructor
* @private
* @type {Object}
* @default {Object} instance
Repository.prototype = {};

* Repository.Remote
* @method Remote
* @private
* @type {Object}
* @default {Object} instance
var Remote = function Remote(){};

* Repository.Remote.constructor
* @method Remote.constructor
* @private
* @type {Object}
* @default {Object} instance
Remote.prototype = new Repository();

* Synchronous remote action processing
* @method processSync
* @param {String} action [list, get, update, remove]
* @param {Object} options configuration
* @param {Object} item arbitrary object *
* @param {Function} callback handle 
* @param {Boolean} each apply callback fnc for each object? (default: false)
* @return {Boolean} Returns true on success
Remote.prototype.processSync = function processSync(action, options, item, oncallback, each, type){    

* Asynchronous remote action processing
* @method process
* @param {String} action [list, get, update, remove]
* @param {Object} options configuration
* @param {Object} item arbitrary object *
* @param {Function} callback handle 
* @param {Boolean} each apply callback fnc for each object? (default: false)
* @return {Boolean} Returns true on success
Remote.prototype.process = function process(action, options, item, oncallback, each, type){    

  // TODO: option: 'sync': defaults to false -> to easily extend for synchronous calls...

  // prepare
  var each = each || false, 
      serialized = (typeof(item)!="undefined" && typeof(item.data)!="undefined") ? Store.serialize(item.data) : "instance=false",
      callback = "callback_"+Store.guid('_'),
      options = options,
      script = document.createElement("script");

  // mark callback *
  script.id = callback;

  var decallback = _.Deferred();

  // TODO: ajax form upload +++

  // attach custom callback handler
    var item = null; 

    // preprocess item-type mappings
    if(items instanceof Array) {
      // process item
      items.forEach(function(item, index){ 
        items[index] = type != null ? type.create(item) : item; 
    } else {
      item = items;
      items = type != null ? type.create(item) : item; 

    // custom callback?

      // callback per item or block?
      if(each!==false) {
        // process item
        items.forEach(function(item, index){ 

      } else {

        // process block
    // cleanup function
    delete root[callback];

    // cleanup script
    script = document.querySelector('#'+callback);

    // promise fulfilled *

    // store for synchronous callback pickup
      root[callback] = items;    
    }, 1000);    

  // setup
  script.src = options.url+"/"+options.namespace+"/"+action+"/"+callback+"/?bust="+(new Date().getTime())+"&"+serialized;
  // load
  }, 1);
  // ttl exceeded - fail *
  // TODO: server late reply handle? » just because we're ignorants doesn't mean nothing happens.
    decallback.reject('request timed out (' + options.ttl + ')');

  // return deferred *
  return decallback.promise();  

* Store consumer
* @class Store
* @constructor
function Store(options){
  * Self-Reference 
  * @property self
  * @private
  * @type {Object}
  var self = this; 

  * Store configuration
  * @property options
  * @type {Object}
  * @default {}
  this.options = new Options();     

  * Configuration options
  * @property options
  * @public
  * @type {Object}
  * @default {}
  * Repository
  * @property repository
  * @private
  * @type {Repository}
  * @default new Remote()
  this.repository = new Remote();     
  * Repository Item
  * @property Item
  * @private
  * @type {Function}
  this.Item = function Item(data){
    this.data = { instance: {} };
    for(var property in data){

  * Item.constructor
  * @property Item.constructor
  * @private
  * @type {Object}
  this.Item.prototype = {
    * Store-Reference
    * @property datastore
    * @private
    * @type {Object}
    datastore: this,

    * Object's Datastore
    * @property data
    * @private
    * @type {Object}
    contents: { instance: {} },

    * Set item property
    * @method set
    * @param {String} property key
    * @param {String} property value
    * @return {Boolean} Returns true on success
    set: function set(property, value){         
      if(value===false) {
        delete this.data.instance[property];
      } else {
        this.data.instance[property] = value; 

    * Get item property
    * @method get
    * @param {String} property key      
    * @return {Boolean} Returns true on success
    get: function get(property){ 
      return this.data.instance[property]; 

    * Persist item 
    * @method update
    * @param {Function} callback *      
    * @return {Boolean} Returns true on success
    update: function update(callback){
      return this.datastore.update(this, callback);

    * Remove item
    * @method remove
    * @param {Function} callback *            
    * @return {Boolean} Returns true on success
    remove: function remove(callback){
      return this.datastore.remove(this, callback);

    // TODO: general getter/setter for data => adjust attribute naming ***!!!

    * Retrieves all items
    * @method all
    * @return {Boolean} Returns true on success
    all: function all(data){
        this.data.instance = data;  
      return this.data.instance;

  * Interface *
  * @property api
  * @private
  * @type {Object}
  var api = {};

  // map api 
  ['get', 'list', 'update', 'remove', 'configure', 'create', 'filter'].

    // expose *

      // for now: direct delegation from api to instance *
      api[fnc] = function(){ return self[fnc].apply(self, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments, [])); };

  // expose *
  return api;

* Store prototype definition
* @property prototype
* @type {Object}
Store.prototype = {
  * LRU cache * - TODO: implement
  * @property cache
  * @type {Object}
  * @default {}
  cache: {}, 

  * Items collection
  * @property items
  * @type {Array}
  * @default []
  items: [],

  * JSON Schema *
  * @property schema
  * @type {Object}
  * @default null
  schema: null,

  * Insert/update item
  * @method update
  * @return {Boolean} Returns true on success
  update: function update(item, callback){
    // TODO: check against schema if set *
    return this.repository.process("update", this.options, Store.wrap(this, item), callback);

  * Remove item
  * @method remove
  * @return {Boolean} Returns true on success
  remove: function remove(item, callback){
    return this.repository.process("remove", this.options, Store.wrap(this, item), callback);
  * Retrieve item
  * @method get
  * @param {Object} | {String} item object reference or string uuid 
  * @return {Boolean} Returns true on success
  get: function get(item, callback){
    return this.repository.process("get", this.options, Store.wrap(this, item), callback, undefined, this);

  * Retrieves all items
  * @method list
  * @return {Boolean} Returns true on success
  list: function list(callback, each){
    return this.repository.process("list", this.options, undefined, callback, each, this);

  * Filter list - TODO: implement
  * @method filter
  * @return {Boolean} Returns true on success
  filter: function filter(callback, each, filters){
    return this.repository.process("list", this.options, undefined, callback, each, this);

  * Instance configuration
  * @method configure
  * @return {Boolean} Returns true on success
  configure: function configure(options){
      this.options = Store.extend(options, this.options);    
    return this.options;

  * Item accessor *
  * @method item
  * @return {Boolean} Returns true on success
  item: function item(index){      
    return this.items[index];

  * Create instance / new item (bound to datastore)
  * @method create
  * @return {Boolean} Returns true on success
  create: function create(data){

    // bc?
      console.warn('Store.create: data is undefined, empty object assigned');
      data = {};

    var instance = new this.Item(data);
      instance.set('id', Store.guid());
    return instance;

  * JSON schema getter/setter
  * @method schema  
  * @return {Object} object
  schema: function schema(schema){
      this.options.schema = schema;
    return this.options.schema;


* Apply general options - default / fallback
* @method __configure
* @param {Object} options A configure object
* @return {Boolean} Returns true on success
Store.configure = function configure(options){
  Options.prototype = Store.extend(options, Options.prototype);
  return Options.prototype;

* one-dimensional object merge *
* @method extend
* @return {Boolean} Returns true on success
Store.extend = function extend(source, target){
  for(var property in source) {
    target[property] = source[property];
  return target;

* Passthrough if item is object. If type is string » wrapped into Item instance with id set to `item`
* @method wrap
* @param {Object} {String} item Instance or UUID
* @return {Object} Returns item object 
Store.wrap = function wrap(datastore, item){    
    return new datastore.Item({'id': item});          
  } else if(typeof(item)=="object" && !item instanceof datastore.Item){      
    return new datastore.Item(item);  
  return item;

* Generate GUID
* @method guid
* @param separator (defaults to dash)
* @return {String} GUID
Store.guid = function guid(separator){
  function s4() {
    return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000)
  var sep = separator || '-';
  return s4() + s4() + sep + s4() + sep + s4() + sep +
         s4() + sep + s4() + s4() + s4();

* Convenience iteration helper
* @method times
* @param {Integer} times 
* @return {String} GUID
Store.times = function times(count, callback){
  for(var index=0; index<count; index++) {

* Convenience deferred wrapper
* @method times
* @param {Function} callback
* @return {Promise} 
Store.when = function when(callback){
  return _.when(callback);

* Stringify object structure (deep!) into url 
* @example (borrowed from: http://stackoverflow.com/a/9472534)
* // helpers
* var serialized,
*     data = {a: 1, b: 2, c: {d: 4, e: [6, 7, 8], f: {asdf: 10}}};  
* // transform
* serialized = Store.serialize(data);
* // verify
* console.log(serialized, serialized === "a=1&b=2&c[d]=4&c[e][0]=6&c[e][1]=7&c[e][2]=8&c[f][asdf]=10");
* @method serialize
* @param {Object} params
* @return {String} 
Store.serialize = function serialize(params){
  var pairs, proc;
  pairs = [];
  (proc = function(object, prefix) {
    var el, i, key, value, _results;
    if (object == null) object = params;
    if (prefix == null) prefix = null;
    _results = [];
    for (key in object) {
      if (!Object.hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)) continue;
      value = object[key];
      if (value instanceof Array) {
        _results.push((function() {
          var _len, _results2;
          _results2 = [];
          for (i = 0, _len = value.length; i < _len; i++) {
            el = value[i];
            _results2.push(proc(el, prefix != null ? "" + prefix + "[" + key + "][]" : "" + key + "[]"));
          return _results2;
      } else if (value instanceof Object) {
        if (prefix != null) {
          prefix += "[" + key + "]";
        } else {
          prefix = key;
        _results.push(proc(value, prefix));
      } else {
        _results.push(pairs.push(prefix != null ? "" + prefix + "[" + key + "]=" + value : "" + key + "=" + value));
    return _results;
  return pairs.join('&');    

// expose
amdExports = root.Store = Store;  

// call w/scope
// export *
return amdExports;

}); }(this));